Foretaste of the anniversary year 2024
in 2024, Rastatt will celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Baden Revolution in 1849. As a small foretaste and to shorten the waiting time, the Rastatt City Museum is showing a cabinet exhibition in the foyer of the building. The exhibition examines the role of inns in the spread of revolutionary ideas and demands.
The political tavern
People drank, smoked, read newspapers and discussed politics here: Before and during the revolution of 1848/49, the pub was not just a place for socializing. It was also a place of not inconsiderable importance for the dissemination of revolutionary ideas and the exchange of ideas.
Newspapers, pamphlets and other printed matter reporting on political and social developments were available in reading cabinets. Here, citizens could gather and debate with each other, protected from censorship and reprisals by the police.
There is evidence of more than 60 innkeepers and breweries in Rastatt in the 1840s. Some of them sympathized more or less openly with the ideas of the revolution.
Kick-off to the anniversary of the revolution
In a cabinet exhibition, the town museum is examining this exciting chapter in the culture of social debate around 1848. The exhibition is intended as a small, historical highlight and as a prelude to the 175th anniversary of the Baden Revolution in Rastatt, which will be celebrated in 2024 with a major year of festivities and numerous events.
It is also a small foretaste of a major special exhibition on the Baden Revolution, which will be on display at the Stadtmuseum from mid-May 2024.
Flyer: For freedom! The role of taverns at the beginning of the Baden Revolution in 1848 (1 MB)
- Do, Fr, Sa: 12 bis 17 Uhr
- So u. Feiertage: 11 bis 17 Uhr
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Erwachsene 4 Euro, ermäßigt 2 Euro
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Führungen: 45 Euro (Mo-Fr), 55 Euro (Wochenende/Feiertage)
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Newsletter des Stadtmuseums Rastatt: Februar 2025 (384 KB)